Tuesday, May 10, 2005

dasyatnye berpindah..

Yup.. its official.. as of Monday this week.. my department has shifted to the next building.. to make way for external tenants.. many months of speculation.. when we're shifting finally came.. Our department since last week lagi dah busy packing.. lucky for me.. my stuff aren't many but penat gak laa.. sbb tolong akak2 kat sini dismantle & packing pc.. :)

Anyhow.. for my friends yg still remain kat menara or yg malas nk jenguk aku sbb jauh.. here's a view of my workstation.. and the surrounding area..

My workstation.. its half the size of menara's but.. cozy..

Da view in front of me.. my AGM's cubicle.. n thru da window.. view of menara..

Da view to my right.. my GM's room..

Da view to my left.. the managers cubicles.. things are mostly in boxes.. didn't hav time to unpack due to meetings..

Last but not least.. da view behind me..

And if u guys nak jalan2 tgk ma new offis.. i'm on the 5th floor.. u can find ur way round by reffering the floor plan.. i'm no 89. Nak senang lagi kol je laa..

One thing i like the most bout tis building is the parking.. senang and banyak gile compared to menara.. nk bawak kete time lunch pon no wurries to find parking spot bile balik.. yelaa x ramai lagi kan.. anyhow i shall enjoy tis while it lasts.. :)


Anonymous said...

ala... satu jek yg tak syiok. time lunch, kene dtg menara gak coz takde kantin or fodkot.

Anonymous said...

Itu dia kata barang sikit tu?
SIKIT ke tu?

Lenny said...

and lagikpon semua kengkawan kat menara.. hehehe...

laydiefa, u tak tgk original workstation dier...2 pc ok? and mmg guna dedua... hehehhehe...

kL said...

Apza: ade org jual makanan kat lobby tp xde laa jauh sgt nk ke fudkod.. distance cam dari menara gi gerai pak abu je.. lagi pon skrg area bangsar dah within reach ;)

Laydiefa: Yupp.. kire sikit laa tu.. i pakai 4 boxes je.. ade org yang sampai 8.. ntah mane laa derang nk letak barang lepas unpack.

Len: A'ah.. kengkawan smua kat menara & skrg wisma (hehe Yang & Akai).. so kalu cuaca megizinkan.. aku tetap turun.

Anonymous said...

wahh..ika pindah tingkat 7 nanti...24 May nih...tgh imagine nak bawak braper kotak aaaa

Anonymous said...

ur cube looks nice. my cube is soo empty. i think i need to start decorating

Anonymous said...

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