UPDATE: MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2005 Sorry! kinda late for this update.. but better late than never rite.. well at least thats how it goes on that particular day of the seminar.. earlier in the morning i was at Syah's house helpin him pack for pindah rumah and due to wrong judgement in time n KL traffic..i went ther a tad late missing a bit on hardware presentation.. in the seminar met up with niniez who had guide me via sms all da way to da hotel (nama je dok KL.. tp x tau the place :P) also present on that day was mysara & phyruzze..
In general.. the topics presented has been devided into 3 main categories as below:
1) Hardware selection (Camera functions)Higher megapixel (mp) doesn't necessarily means quality output. Ask yourself "what's your requirement?" If you just want to print 4R photos, anything above 3mp is adequate. You only need higher mp if u want to blow the picture say 15 x 12 inch. Other than that it would be a waste of money and storage.
Choose something that u are comfortable with buy it, stop comparing and start shooting pictures.
Of course there is a basis on selection and the presenter had emphasized that the camera should at least has these functionalities embeded..
a) ISO
- da lower the ISO, the finer the photo will be
- da higer the ISO, more noise in da photo
b) White balance
- to accurately capture the colour (sunlight, floresent light, light bulp etc)
c) Appreture (how big the shutter opens)
- big, background image appears blur (good for potrait)
- small, all image sharp
d) Time priority (shutter speed)
- faster to capture say sporting events
- slower for nite scene
2) Basic compositionTips on composition:
a) A story - ur photo has a story ie. a man making pottery, or a journey
b) Simplicity
c) Contrast - Pick a contrasting object as the main focus
d) Balance
e) Framing - use tree branches as frames
f) Rule of the third - if u take arts and when drawing a scenery, 1/3 bottom would be land/water and 2/3 above would be the horizon and sky
g) Colour harmony
3) Post editingMore on the iphoto software functionalities ie. - how to manage photos, remove red-eye, straighten a photo, colour adjustments etc. A few interesting tweaking tips which he shared in iPhoto are (if you're familiar with any imaging software ie. - ACDSee, Photoshop etc. you're covered):
a) try not to use the brighness and contrast so much (or at all) as it degrades the picture quality
b) adjust the exposure bright for morning light and warm for evening
c) adjust the colur balance ie. - add magenta to make the cheeks red for a fair person.
Above are juz the geez of the presentation, a lot of it you can find on the web. If you fancy on taking it the next level and earn money for your hobby, check out these website.
Starting a Home Based Photography Business2)
Starting a Photography BusinessOverall the seminar was informative for beginners and a refreshers for amateurs. I was expecting more on the composition tips rather than hardware, since he's a professional photographer I would like to know how to capture or what makes a good photo. If you missed it and would like to attend, there's another session coming this 25th June. You can register yourself by using the link provided below.
There used to be a photo here.. but due to an outcry over the photo of Jen Siow appearing every time viewing my blog.. I've removed his photo as requested.. :P
If you are interested in photography and looking on ways to improove.. hey.. look no further.. Apple Malaysia will be organising a FREE.. i ulang.. FREE photography seminar entitled
How To Be a Photo Genius.. session is conducted by a renown Malaysian photographer
Mr Jen Siow.
"He is Malaysia's pioneer in total digital photography, with 20 years experience in advertising and editorial photography."
Source: Computimes May 19th 05
Tentatively. the seminar will be held on May 28th.. Equatorial Hotel Kuala Lumpur. from 2pm to 5pm.. It's on a saturday.. so kalau xde pape nak buat on da weekend tu why don't u give it a try.. seats are limited.. if u want try ur luck.. register urself
here. I've already registered.. so tunggu ape lagi. :)