Initially i thought that i couldn't make it bacause my gym buddies had booked me.. no details were provided except a convincing threat of what would happened if i bailed out last minute.. so after work i've meet up with them and...
Surprise!! Surprise!!

It turns out that they had secretly organised a birthday celeb for me.. thanks u guys for organizing this for me.. am very lucky to have friends like u.. the cheese cake was really nice.. pandai ko pilih Zaha.. tak sia2 tambah 4 pound balik.. ;P anyhow malam ni on ok.. satay at KLJ.
Ok.. back to Lenny's bufday bash.. it turns out this year we had an additional member to our annual event.. which is the giggly Ninie, lovely miss laydiefa, cute miss mysara and cool dude

However.. this year an eating competition was held to spice up the event. Here.. the participants are listening to briefing of the competition.. Everyone understood what to do and the tittle at steak..
and.. the competition begins..
Not giving up.. here's Zai having a hard time finishing his meal midway of the competition...
Even our bufday gurl had a go in the competition..
But in the end it all prevails.. and the tittle goes to this one extraordinay lady which had amazed us throughout this competition.. and that person is no other than...
Zainee!!! Wow.. juz look at at the spread and whats left.. barely anything.. see what i mean.. lucky that
Hehe.. Zainee.. jgn mara eek.. saje je suke2..
later on.. Din and Akai joined for a slice of the bufday cake..
Overall.. it was a fun and entertaining outing.. it doesn't bug as much that the food isn't that good.. but to be among good friends that all it matters.. :)
p/s. As a consolation.. the venue and service at Soul'ed Out was excellent. Neva know if u didn't try.
dude... its adrian, not andrew. i've told u 10th times already.
nice to hv met u too yesterday!
wahhh...tq kak zainee!!..kalo tak kerna mu..ika laaaa paling buruk lantak skalik smalam...lapa sesangat usual kalo dah lapa gilaa...misti makan tanpa bersuara n laju...(sebaik gamba aku takder - sebaik orang lain tak prasan aku makan apa smalam)...legaaaa noooo......
ahahahahhaa... aku nak tunjuk adrian la post ni...
si akai plak sebut adam. (not bad gak nama ni)
mior sebut andrian. (paling tak best :p )
oi aku dpt title je ke? hadiah tade? kete gen2 hitam tu mcm menarik je aku tengok
hhehee... zainee... you go gurll!!
cisst..dekat stengah jam pusing cari jalan nak masuk souled out tuh...pastu takde tmpt parking motor plak tuh...hampeh..tapi takpo...dapek jumpo besday gurl, belated besday boy and kengkawan kira cincai la panas hati tu...disejukkan lagi dengan kehadiran aweks vj mtv kat meja sebelah (yang zamzari...pass eden gambo dia haha)apapun..nice to know all of you as friends and how i'm glad to be able to exists there with u all kays...u guys are great!
eden tak sempat makan tapi kek semalam tu dapat la cuit cuit sket..yummy...tapi takley makan banyak sebab kering tekak eden..nak minum air mineral sumer dituang dalam gelas cop tiger beer..apo la takde cawan lain ke..hilang selera minum eden hehe...
ps: nyanyi lagu "Allah selamatkan kamu" ramai-ramai
hehhe... dah baca pagi tadik tapi tak sempat nak comment...
thanks to everyone yg datang.. it was a great nite! i liikkkeee... tapi tak sempat lawan pool la... korang takut kalah erk ngan aku? hehhehe....
congrats zaini... jadik juara!
ye ker ada pool table ke kat situ?
meh la lenny kiter celen sesamer,
saper menang dapat blackie, amacam?
jangan marah yer malik.
Dah baca last wk tp saje tk comment :P
afza: correction done.. sori Adrian.
za1nee: hadiah? u ate all of it.. remember da cake.. :D
Laydiefa & Len: Yeah rite.. bring along a crowbar or somethin to break free steering lock.. a mere cue stick won't do.. haha :P
laydiefa : situh takder... tapi kat area situh kan banyak... bleh je.. jom kita calen..
ala malik.. apa salahnyer jadikkan blacky sebagai hadiah... :D
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