Iqbal fixing da "bee sting" while i was adjustin da mirror..
I thought tat it will be a quick process collecting the car.. boy i was wrong.. it turned the other way round but for a good cause.. evidently proton has prepared a checklist to its customer to go through before handing over of the car.. so we spent 15 minutes signing documents and at least 40 minutes inspecting the car.. fiddling with all the lever and contol buttons in the car.. checking the engine.. exterior.. yadda.. yada.. u get the idea.. end point is.. it's my first new car purchase and the experience has been pleasant.
as u can see in da photo that i've chosen 1440 for my reg number.. now why did i do that? Short story is.. way back 18 years or so my family bought our first Proton.. it was a saga aeroback with reg number BCP 1440.. travel a lot in that car and there were many memories attached since it served us 10 years or so.. it wasn't the digital age yet back then so i don't think i hav a photo of the car :( i guess its a tribute to the car that served us well.. hopefully tis car will serve me good as well :)

4 days passed and i've managed to clock 490km on the odometer .. another 510km to go before its first servicing and more importantly.. the "run-in" period will be over.. well u guys.. now i finally can go anywhere on my own without hitching a ride.. but thanks u guys.. esp to Zai, Yang, Len and Afza.. for transporting me around for our activities over the years.. hope i could do the same to all u guys.. and not to forget my family as well.. for always being ther :)
ok... since u insist to return the favor, tomorrow, pick me up for work from my home.
nak naik gakk...
bestnye.. your first car.. terbayang kelisaku.. huhuhuhuhu...
yeayyy... sudah lama aku menanti utk naik gen2... yihaaa... best best.. :D
mom.. dad.. brothers.. nephew.. nieces.. tok long.. tok cik.. pakcik.. mak cik.. mak teh.. pak teh.. pak tam.. mak tam.. on n on.. but not to wurry.. u guys r in da list smwhere...
haha kidding.. xhal.. maybe we cld go to Bakerzin for lunch as mentioned..
afza: erm.. dah lepas tmrw 19hb April :P
i naik dahhh.. yea yeaa... a ah kan... bleh lunch Bakerzin.... nanti u set la bila.. i datang menara... yeay!!
eh chup, u beli kat seksyen 13 PJ? My jentolak (Gen2lak) pun samer.
my dealer nama dia Hisham Eman.
tapi you punyer highline. isk isk.
jealous nyer kiter.. *tutup mata*
ok Len set.. nnt i infom (maybe next week) tp at least kena ade 2 cars.. sbb ade u.. ika, zai, yang, apza..
laydiefa? care to join? nnt kate x ajak plak.. plus u can try jentolak tinggi (highline).. tak laa berbeza sgt.. so takyah laa jeles2.. :)
okes pokes... apza bawak kete tak? kalau apza bawak.. ok je.. takpon.. time i bawak.. or zai bawak.. tapi derang nieh.. tak ketahuan bila bawaknyer.. takperla.. mlm kang time badminton kita diskas..
nak itutttt..
(heheh buat muka tak malu) ehehehe
nieh sape anonymous nieh? adakah ika? tak baca erk? tuh dalam list bukan ada nama awak ker? hahahhaha...
Great blog you have heere
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