However to my surprise, the Viviene Tam edition is relatively cheap in Malaysia at only RM 1,999 and the difference is not much with the original HP 1000 selling at RM 1,699. This may due to the fact, the Malaysian edition uses a normal HDD instead of the speedy and expensive solid state drive. All is not lost as with the normal HDD, you gain much more HDD space (60GB vs 16GB).
While the other specs are the same as an original Mini 1000, the exception with this edition is its exterior design; which is all splashed in red (including the keyboards) with floral design. and it comes with a design matching silk sleeve. In my opinion, it is a sweet looking Netbook for the ladies and nicely priced. Grab this Netbook fast if you're interested as HP does state 'limited edition'. Link to HP online store.
HP Mini 1000 (Viviene Tam Edition)
Windows XP Home Edition SP3; 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270; 1024MB DDR2 SDRAM 533MHz; 128MB Mobile Intel 945GM; 60GB Toshiba 4,200rpmdesign matching silk sleeve.

Photo source : various from the web.
wah... sajer je buat i drooling sama tauuuuuuuwww!!
giler ah.. dah beliiii baru ckpppp!!! huhhuhuhu
anyway, you've been tagged. Buat tau!
Len : Kalau aku pompuan kan.. I would buy this :P bakar2...
Nnz : I pon baru tau psal it's availability smalam...
Kalau I tak consider myself cute kena buat juga ke tag? :)
huhuh... mmg membakarrrr!!!
i bgtau Yang ek... u yg racun i.. ahhahahhaa...:D
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