Regardless if you are a professional, amateur photographer or just an avid hobbyist; a camera system is your invested asset. Sometimes it is your pride and joy after saving money for couple of months just to make the purchase. Choosing the right bag is essential to keep your gear and gadgets well protected when on the move.
Featured item is Kani Snapshot Trekka SLR Backpack, model no BP01C-B06M. Kani is variant from Bagman which targets the Australian, China & Hong Kong market. It is among the favored brand name for the budget conscious. However the build quality and materials used are not compromised, it is at par with the leaders. I myself is a satisfied user of their notebook backpack and camera sling bag .
Although bag is designed for the photographers, the Snapshot Trekka is also a practical backpack for all your travelling or studying needs. The bag features an adjustable padded slots for camera equipment (multiple lenses, SLR camera) and a padded notebook slipcase (fits 14.1" widescreen notebook), both are detachable. With this flexibility of removing the compartments, at any one time you can use the bag to: carry both notebook & camera, carry notebook & luggage, camera only or luggage only.
Other than that, the bag comes with are 2 zipped pockets at the front, 2 side pockets and a slit on the side to a hook tripod. External dimension on the bag are 340 x 220 x 490 (mm). With this bag, you have everything you need to take the perfect shot.
Featured item is Kani Snapshot Trekka SLR Backpack, model no BP01C-B06M. Kani is variant from Bagman which targets the Australian, China & Hong Kong market. It is among the favored brand name for the budget conscious. However the build quality and materials used are not compromised, it is at par with the leaders. I myself is a satisfied user of their notebook backpack and camera sling bag .
Although bag is designed for the photographers, the Snapshot Trekka is also a practical backpack for all your travelling or studying needs. The bag features an adjustable padded slots for camera equipment (multiple lenses, SLR camera) and a padded notebook slipcase (fits 14.1" widescreen notebook), both are detachable. With this flexibility of removing the compartments, at any one time you can use the bag to: carry both notebook & camera, carry notebook & luggage, camera only or luggage only.
Other than that, the bag comes with are 2 zipped pockets at the front, 2 side pockets and a slit on the side to a hook tripod. External dimension on the bag are 340 x 220 x 490 (mm). With this bag, you have everything you need to take the perfect shot.
Quick Facts on product features
- Water repellent fabric
- Uniquely designed foam-padded back to allow air flow with anti-slip pad
- Heavy duty padded shoulder straps
- Lower front zip pocket
- Upper front organizational zip sleeve pocket
- Detachable padded notebook case and camera case
- Tripod hanger
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